Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beginner Workout!!!

New to weight training? This workout is for you. Designed to hit each muscle group with the big compound exercises once per week. Each workout day has 3-5 exercises.
With this workout your focus should be on your technique not the weight you're lifting. Get the technique right in this workout then move on to a more advanced workout after 8-10 weeks.
The workout hits your chest/triceps on Monday, back/biceps on Wednesday and legs/shoulders on Friday. Abs and lower back should be worked after each workout with 2 exercises (see ab exercises).

Daily Workout Schedule:

Monday - Chest and Triceps
Dumbbell Bench Press412,10,10,10
Incline Bench Press210
Tricep Dip3Failure
Lying Tricep Extension310
Workout Notes:
  • Have a 10min warmup before you begin your workout.
  • Have your bench at a 30 degree angle for incline bench press.
  • Make sure you lean forward to focus the work on your lower chest. Use assisted dip machine if you cannot do bodyweight.
  • Light weights only for skullcrushers, focus on form.
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday - Back and Biceps
Wide Grip Pull Up410
Seated Row312
One Arm Dumbbell Row310
Standing Barbell Curl38-10
Workout Notes:
  • Have a 10min warmup before you begin your workout.
  • Focus on form.
  • Use lat pull downs if you can not do pull ups.
  • Can use EZ bar for barbell curls.
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday - Legs and Shoulders
45 Degree Leg Press412,10,10,10
Leg Extension312
Leg Curl312
Military Press48-10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise310
Workout Notes:
  • Have a 10min warmup before you begin your workout.
  • 45 deg leg press, start with 75% of your max and add weight on each set.
  • Lateral raises - focus on form using light weights
Saturday and Sunday: Rest Days

Now lets get to it.....This is a great way to get started on sculpting your body into he shape that you want it. Train hard and keep at it and the results are sure to show even quicker than you expect it to.

Remember..... You are what you put in.

Supreme Supplements

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