Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Big Arm Routine!!!

Want bigger arms? Arms stuck in a plateau? Shock your arms with this routine! Work this routine into your workout for 10 weeks. Once per week for the first 8 weeks, then twice per week for last 2 weeks.
Workout Notes:
Thoroughly warm up and stretch both biceps and triceps before the workout. Stretch both muscles at the end of the routine.
  • Rest between sets: 90 seconds.
  • Rep timing: slow and precise.
  • Frequency: once per week for weeks 1-8, weeks 8-10 twice per week.

Workout Schedule:

Workout Details
Barbell Curl58
Barbell Curl120
Incline Dumbbell Curl (bench 30-40 degrees)58
Incline Dumbbell Curl (bench 30-40 degrees)120
Close Grip Bench Press58
Close Grip Bench Press120
EZ Bar, Lying Tricep Extension58
EZ Bar, Lying Tricep Extension120
Tricep Pushdown, (hands 8-10" apart)58
Tricep Pushdown, (hands 8-10" apart)120
Supreme Supplements

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