Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuna, Avocado and Tomato Recipe!!!

This tuna, avocado and tomato recipe is very high in protein and low in carbs, ideal for weight loss.

What You Need

150g (5oz) fresh tuna steak
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
8 asparagus tips
2 large tomatoes (about 250g / 9oz)
150g pre-cooked cannellini or lima beans, (rinsed and drained)
1 medium mild onion (thinly sliced)
1 small avocado (about 150g / 5oz)
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano
1 tsp sea salt
black pepper

Cooking Instructions

Brush the tuna steak with a little of the olive oil and grill or dry - fry for about 3 mins on each side, until the outside is golden but the inside is still pink. Meanwhile, steam or microwave the asparagus tips until just tender. Halve the tomatoes and squeeze out the pips then chop roughly. Arrange the beans on a serving plates with the tomato, asparagus, and onion. Peel and slice the avocado add to the plates.Mix together the oil, lemon juice, most of the oregano and seasoning. Poor most of it over the salad, slice tuna and add. Drizzle over remaining dressing. Garnish with rest of oregano.

Serving Suggestions

Serve this recipe as mentioned above. If you would like to add some carbs, you can add potatoes or a bed of brown rice.

Nutritional Info

Calories: 409
Protein: High
Carbohydrates: Low
Fat: 23g (Sat fat. 4.4g)
Fiber: 10g
Supreme Supplements

Monday, December 20, 2010

Before and After!!!

So I started this 300 workout about 2 weeks ago after an intense year of hardcore training.
I decided to take a picture and only after comparing it to a previous pic did I realize the amount of gains I made and the amount of results you get when you put hard work and dedication into it. Its not where I want to be yet but with a bit more discipline and dedication I'm sure i will be able to achieve it.

Will definatly keep you posted

Enjoy and Good Luck

Supreme Supplements

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Leg Growth Workout!!!


Description of Workout:

If you are serious about putting size on your legs, this 3 week cycling leg workout is for you. This leg workout combines heavy and controlled lifting with shocking techniques like drop sets and supersets to stimulate muscle growth.
We're going to be moving serious weights with this workout, so minimum of 10 mins warmup is required. Power walking or light jogging is fine. Plus about 50 bodyweight squats and stretching of quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Weekly workout schedule:

Week 1 - Heavy Week
Squat (heavy pyramid set)615, 12, 10, 8, 10, 15
Increase the weight on each set until you peak at 8 reps, 4th set. If you want to go heaver you could do 6 reps for that set. You do not need to squat down too low, just above horizontal is fine. We don't want to hit the glutes to much.
Stiff Leg Deadlift412
Really want to focus on stretch and contraction with these, not weight. If you're not feeling the stretch on the hamstrings on the way down and at the bottom you're not doing them right. Keep rep timing slow, 3-1-2 should be about right.
Leg press/leg extension superset48 press / 12 extension
Again, we're going heavy on the leg press here, maximum 8 reps. Straight on to the leg extension after the set for 12 reps. Weight is not as important here. Make sure you squeeze at the top for a count of 3 seconds.
Leg curl48
Heavy again with leg curls. Heavy, but controlled. You should still be able to manage the weight. Use 2-1-2 rep timing.
Week 2 - Quad Week
Squat / Lunges / Leg Extension Tri-Set510 sq, 6 lun, 15 ext
We're working with less weight on squats this week, but killing the quads with this tri-set! 10 reps squatting, slow and controlled. Followed by 6 reps on each leg dumbbell lunges. Followed by 15 reps on the leg extension with very light weight and 4-2-4 rep timing. Sound hard, it is.
Stiff Leg Deadlift412, 10, 8, 6
Time to put some more weight on your deadlift. Last week we stayed at 12 reps, now we're going to increase the weight and lower the reps with every set. Start at the weight you used last week, and increase!
Leg curl412-15
We just went heavy on deadlifts, so curls we're going to a bit lighter and slow down rep timing. Use 3-1-3 for these 4 sets to finish off the workout.
Week 3 - Hamstring Week
Stiff Leg Dead/Leg curl superset+dropset58 / max, max, max
Today we're really going to attack the hamstrings. We're doing heavy deadlifts for about 8 reps (if your technique is not so good, or you have a weak lower back, stick with 12). Then straight onto the leg curl machine for a drop set. Don't worry about going heavy at all on the leg curl, we just did heavy deads so just focus on getting a nice long stretch and solid contraction. By the third set fo the drop set, you should be in serious pain. If you're not, you're not trying hard enough!
Leg Press512
We're having a week off from squats this week to prepare for the heavy week next week (starting the cycle again at week 1). Keep to a weight that you max out at around 12 reps.
Leg extension412, 10, 8, 6
Going a bit heavier with extensions this week. Increase the weight on each set.

Repeat this cycle twice for a total of 6 weeks.

Good Luck

Supreme Supplements

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tips For Burning The Fat!

If you're an experienced bodybuilder you'll know that building muscle works in 2 basic cycles. First we have the growth cycle. While you're on the growth cycle your goal is to put on as much poundage as possible! This means eating loads of good calories like protein and complex carbohydrates. You should never feel hungry. The minute you feel hungry, it's time for another meal. Get the picture?
The second cycle is what's know as the cutting cycle. This is where you trim off your excess fat to give you muscle definition and a really ripped look. When cutting you want to strip off the fat quickly without losing any muscle size. This means a different workout and much different diet. In this article I'm going to give you my top tips for losing the fat.
I'm going to focus on the basics of weight loss. I'm not going to go into different cutting workout, that's an entire article in itself. Some people will find it very hard and frustrating to lose body fat. But if you stick to strict diet and train hard you will do it and it will be worth all the hard work!
TIP #1: Cardio training Cardiovascular exercise is arguably the best way for you to burn fat. Even if you are eating the best diet possible, you will not see the full benefits if you do not do cardio exercise. When cutting you want to up your cardio to around 4 times per week. Start off at about 20mins per session and work your way up to an hour or so. When doing cardio you need to try and stay in the "fat burning zone", which is about 65-70% of your maximum heart rate. To determine your "fat burning zone" subtract your age from 220 and multiply it by 0.65. That is what you want your heart rate to be at.
TIP #2: Eat small meals, more often Today's western society is slowly moving away from the traditional 3 meals per day and there's a very good reason for that. As soon as you start eating your metabolism starts to break down the food. It takes everything it needs from the food including nutrients and energy.
When you only eat 3 meals per day you metabolism has a chance to slow down in between meals. This is not good if you're trying to burn fat. You need to keep your metabolism fast throughout the whole day. The faster your metabolism is working the more fat and energy you will burn. Maintaining a high metabolism is imperative to losing weight and keeping it off.
It's often a good idea to use protein supplements or protein bars between meals to keep your metabolism up and make you feel full. Some people do not have time to prepare so many meals per day so this is a good option.
TIP #3: Don't eat before bed When you go to sleep your metabolism slows right down. If you eat before bed (especially carbohydrates) there's a good chance that your body will not burn the energy and you will store it as fat. Try not to eat and carbs for at least 2-3 hours before bed. A protein shake is ok before bed because your body will not store it as fat.
TIP #4: Up your protein intake If you want to keep all your hard earned muscle (and I know you do!) while burning fat it's very important that you keep your protein intake as high as possible. Because carbohydrates are the bodys main source of energy it will always use them up first. Once there is no carbohydrates left your body will turn to it's fat storage. If you do not have enough protein intake per day, your body will start taking protein from the muscles resulting in catabolism (breaking down of muscle tissue). Read more about whey protein.
Burn the fat!TIP #5: Drink plenty of water Well, you should be drinking plenty of water even if you aren't trying to lose weight! The human body is made up of 70% water. So to me it's pretty obvious that we need a high daily intake of water to keep the body running efficiently. Water helps transport nutrients that you eat throughout your body. It also plays a role in determining how your cells use these nutrients. If you are not getting enough water intake each day, you are not making 100% use of the nutrients in your diet.
On the other side of the scale water also helps flush your system of waste and bacteria. It's essential for removing toxins from your body. So you can see that water plays a vital role in all bodily functions, so don't underestimate it.
TIP #6: Lower your carbs As I mentioned earlier in this article your body burns carbs first because carbs are the bodys primary food source. So if you do not lower your carb intake your body will just keep burning up the carbs and you will not see any fat loss. As soon as your carbs supply runs out, the body burns fat. Keep your carbs down and your body will start burning fat quicker. Try to eat all your carbs for the day in the morning. This was these carbs will be burnt off during the day and your fat store will start being used faster.
TIP #7: Avoid snacking If you snack throughout the day you're asking for trouble. While there are some health snacks available, most are full or fat, salt and sugar. If you plan your meals for the day you should not even feel hungry or the need to snack. If you cannot prepare enough meals for the day have a protein supplement or protein bar between meals. If you have to distance yourself from tempting items then do it.
Just to recap on what we've just been over here are some rules of losing weight and cutting that you should be sticking to.
  1. Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day
  2. Keep your protein intake high
  3. Keep your carbohydrate intake low
  4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  5. Don't eat carbohydrates before bed
  6. Incorporate cardio training into your weekly routine
  7. Don't snack between meals
  8. Get plenty of sleep every night (including weekends!)
No one said stripping that fat was going to be easy, even experienced trainers say that it's harder than building muscle! But if you stick with it, the rewards are fantastic - a muscle bound and ripped body! If you have any questions about cutting or losing fat feel free to ask n the comments section.

Supreme Supplements

Monday, December 13, 2010

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals To Succeed at New Years Resolutions!

With New Year's Eve right around the corner all of us resolve to make the next year the year we finally lose the extra weight and recommit to health and fitness. But 90% of us will fail because our goals are not S.M.A.R.T. goals. The acronym S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-related and is your ticket to succeeding with your health and fitness resolutions.
SSpecific - "I want bigger biceps", "I want to lose weight", "I want smaller thighs" are not goals, those are wishes. They are not specific enough. On the other hand "I want to add an inch to my biceps by March 1st" or "I want to lose a pants size by March 1st" are goals that are SPECIFIC.
MMeasurable - This one's a no-brainer. You can't measure "fitness" or "health" directly. How will you know that your efforts are succeeding as well as they could be? Specific goals are measurable by definition. You know your strength or fitness is improving if you increase the poundage you can lift, or decrease the time it takes for you to run two km's. You'll know your health is improving if your cholesterol levels and blood pressure improve, and your insulin sensitivity increases. Progress needs to be measurable. And your measurements will provide you with the kind of feedback you need to make adjustments as you proceed with your program. Typical bodybuilding measurable goals are: circumference of Abs, Arms and Chest.
AAchievable - Needless to state, your plans need to be based on knowledge, skills, tools and other resources that are available to you. There can't be any pieces missing or out of reach. If there are then you need to be able to compensate or find a way to work around them.
RRealistic - Your goals need to be rooted in reality. If you're six feet six inches tall and weight 110kg's, it's okay to dream about being the next Mr. Olympia, but that's a goal that is completely at odds with where you are now.
TTime-Related - Having a time frame attached to your goals is important. If you want to lose 10kg's of fat, it matters in terms of evaluating your progress, whether you want to lose it in the next 3 months, or "Whenever". In the first case, if you find you haven't lost at least a couple of kg's after the first 2 weeks, then you know it's time to decrease your calories and perhaps make some other adjustments. If your goals are open-ended, however you may end up waiting considerably longer before you make the needed changes to get on track.

So lets get S.M.A.R.T

Supreme Suppements

Friday, December 10, 2010

My 300 Diary!!!

Well its been one crazy week in the gym..... I decided to push my body to limits I never dreamt of pushing it to so I decided to start the nightmare of all workouts...........


I was physced up..... I felt strong I was gonna do it.

Monday: 6 Dec 2010.... A day I marched into the gym feeling like superman ready to tackle this monster of a workout. I warmed up a bit and then it was time...

Got everything ready and I hit it hard...

18min 20sec later I felt like i was hit by a train running at full speed.
There were points during the workout that i actually questioned my intelligence for getting myself into this.

It took about 45 min for me to recover from what was the most intense 18min of my life.

The pump was unbelievable.....The blood flow was amazing..... And the feeling of accomplishment even better.

Wednesday: 8 Dec 2010..... I knew what to expect.. i was ready or so i thought.
I wanted to beat my previous time and that was the aim. 
16min 02sec ......I did it.... but I was crushed.... never felt anything like that. But i must say it did get a bit easier. it only took 30 min to recover... lol but i did it. What a feeling.

Friday: 10 Dec 2010..... Last session of the week... I had to push....push for the best time...push through all the pain....

I mentally prepared for this the night before.... I was gonna do it...
14min 55sec

I was shocked at myself but it was amazing, intense and seriously insane.
What a week of training... What a feeling.

All i can say about this workout is that you start of sprinting, around the middle you jogging, you start walking towards the end and you finish crawling.....

I loved every minute of it. It makes you feel like a machine and at the same time making you feel like a weak human being.

You have to try it to understand it.

Good Luck

Supreme Supplements 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

8 Week Intense Back Workout!!!


Description of Workout:

Welcome to the 8 week intense back workout! This back workout uses variety and intensity to really hit the back hard and make those stubborn muscle grow!
You should do this workout once per week along with the rest of your training. There are a total of 4 different workouts below, these need to be cycled over 8 weeks as instructed.
Workout Notes:
  1. Perform a 5 minute cardio warm-up before each workout.
  2. Perform 2 light sets before starting working phase.
  3. Strict technique on all exercises.
  4. Aim to improve at least one aspect of your workout each week.

Weekly Workout Routines:

Workout #1 - Weeks 1 and 5
Wide grip pull ups4MAX
Superset lat pull down / seated row410 on each exercise
Bent over barbell row410
Workout #2 - Weeks 2 and 6
Assisted pull ups / lat pull downs superset415 pull up / 10 pull down
Seated row drop set3MAX
Bodyweight row410, 10, 8, 6
One arm cable row (3-1-3 rep timing)310
Workout #3 - Weeks 3 and 7
Wide grip pull ups4MAX, 10, 8, 8
Lat pull downs310, 10, 10
Bent over row48, 6, 6, 5
One arm cable row (3-1-3 rep timing)415
Workout #4 - Weeks 4 and 8
Tri set: Assisted pull ups/lat pull down/seated row310 on each exercise
Straight arm lat pull down (2-1-2 rep timing)312
Bodyweight row3MAX

Supreme Supplements

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Peanut Butter Cookies!!!

A sweet, healthy and guilt-free cookie recipe.

What You Need
2½ cups oat flour
70 grams of protein powder
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp baking soda
½ cup applesauce
1½ cup peanut butter
½ cup honey
2 egg whites

Cooking Instructions

They can be eaten without guilt, and are also a great choice when bulking or muscle building.
Mix flour, protein powder, salt, baking soda and set aside. Mix applesauce and peanut butter. Add honey. Mix well and add egg whites, then beat well. Stir flour mixture into peanut butter mixture. Drop dough from tsp. onto greased baking sheet. Flatten. Bake at 180(moderate oven) for 10 to 15 minutes until lightly browned. Makes 36 cookies.

Serving Suggestions

Makes 36 cookies. One cookie equals one serving.

Nutritional Info

96.73 calories
4.96 grams of sugar
4.99 grams of fat
4.17 grams of protein
10.09 grams of carbs
Supreme Supplements

Monday, December 6, 2010

Easy Gym Motivation!!!

You used to go to the gym. Now, you're busy. I mean, after all, you do work all day. The last thing you want to do is hit the gym after a long day at the office (yawn).
Once you get home, you want to plop down on the couch, put your feet up, unwind and watch the tube.
So how do you motivate yourself to go to the gym?
Don't think about exercising -- just get yourself to the gym. Once you're at the gym, your body will adapt to the environment and it will be easier to exercise.

Your body is an adaptable mechanical machine that you have control of. It adapts to the environment you put it in. If you put your body in a better environment (physically, emotionally or mentally) your body will respond to it. Put yourself into the environment of where you want to be already exists.
Showing up is half the battle. Take control of your adaptable mechanical machine. Put it in gear and stomp on that Stairmaster, or try twisting in a fitness class.
You can do it. Just get your body there and everything else will take care of itself.

Supreme Supplements

Friday, December 3, 2010

Funny Exercise Quotes!!!

I don't care about being big and strong, I just want to look good naked !

Cartwheels are more fuel efficient way to travel !

Exercise... the poor person's plastic surgery !

I love being surrounded by dumb bells !

I don't sweat I glisten !

I Exercise - run my mouth,push my luck, & jump to conclusions !

If it were easy then everyone will look like this !

God must love calories, because he made so many !

I get enough exercise just pushing my luck !

Of course I'm in shape . Isn't Round a Shape? 

Ask your doctor if Getting Off your ass is Right for You ?

Training isn't a matter of life and death, It is more than that !

Don't let the Tshirt fool you, I look awesome naked !

Pain is weakness leaving the body !

Have a great weekend...

Supreme Supplements

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Scivation Xtend!!!

I have to admit, I’m an old school kind of guy. I believe that muscle and strength gains come from hard work and dedication, and I think twice before spending money on any supplement. Sure, I have my supplement staples…whey protein, creatine, nitric oxide, fish oil, a multivitamin, but until recently I had never tried BCAAs or glutamine.
It’s not like I live under a rock. I’ve heard plenty about BCAAs and glutamine, but had never thought about trying them myself. Then I started listening to testimonial after testimonial about Scivation Xtend coming from top level natural bodybuilders. So, I thought I would give Xtend a try.

Scivation Xtend Product Information

Scivation Xtend is a precise, scientific blend of energy aminos consisting of the proven 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine), glutamine, citrulline malate, and vitamin B6 that will give you the energy you need to maximize your training while enhancing recovery at the same time.
The complex ingredients in Xtend have been scientifically proven to:
  • Help speed recovery.
  • Enhance ATP production and promote cell volumization.
  • Decrease fatigue by blocking entry of fatigue-inducing tryptophan into the brain.
  • Boost protein synthesis, immune function and digestive health.
  • Encourage vasodilatation which improves assimilation and absorption of protein.
  • Elevate growth hormone levels.
Scivation Xtend comes in 30 and 90 serving containers, in the following flavors: apple, blue raspberry, grape, lemonade, orange and watermelon. One serving is 2 scoops of Xtend. Each serving contains:
  • Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL) 10mg
  • L-Leucine 3.5g
  • L-Glutamine 2.5g
  • L-Isoleucine 1.8g
  • L-Valine 1.8g
  • Citrulline Malate 1g
Sounds good!

Scivation Xtend: From Supplement “Test” To Supplement Staple

Earlier this year I decided to test Scivation Xtend and see what all the fuss was about. I purchased 30 servings of blue raspberry, and began taking the product post-workout and first thing in the morning. Quite frankly, I was undereducated about the benefits of BCAAs and glutamine, and really had no expectations whatsoever. I literally thought Scivation Xtend would be forgettable.
Despite my ignorance, it didn’t take long to notice the benefits of supplementing with Scivation Xtend. Almost immediately I discovered a reduction of deep and painful muscle soreness. I was still working out hard and heavy, but the extreme pain I often woke up with the next day was gone.
I also noticed an improvement in my recovery ability. I was bouncing back much more quickly from workouts. For years I limited my training to a 4 day split. But now with Xtend I felt I could do more. I began training with a 5 day split, and my body handled it extremely well.
But recovery and reduced muscle soreness weren’t the only noticeable benefits I received from Xtend. My workouts were more energetic, and combined with a nitric oxide supplement, I was able to train longer per session. I used to limit my training to 60 minutes maximum. I was now able to train up to 90 minutes, and feel great.
Fast forward 6 months. I am still using Scivation Xtend, and the benefits haven’t stopped. I am still training heavy with a 5 day split, and currently breaking personal records while on a cutting diet. I recently hit a personal best bench press – 180kgfor 6 reps! For me, Scivation Xtend began as an experiment and ended up as a supplement staple. I wouldn’t train without it. It delivers, and it’s budget friendly. You can’t beat that combination.

Beyond BCAAs and Glutamine

One of the things that sets Scivation Xtend apart from competitors is that it’s much more then simply BCAAs and glutamine is a jar. Xtend also contains citrulline malate and vitamin B6.
Citrulline malate increases nitric oxide production, blood flow and amino acid uptake. Vitamin B6 is heavily involved in numerous reactions of amino acid metabolism, and it also required for proper release of glucose from stored glycogen. What does this all mean? More energy and better utilization of protein!


If you haven’t tried Scivation Xtend, you’re missing out on one of the best supplements on the market. For me, being old school meant being an old fool. I avoided products like Xtend because I felt like I knew better, and didn’t need them.

XTEND is available in store...

Supreme Supplements

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Coconut Shoulders Workout!


Description of Workout:

The coconut shoulders workout is a 3 weekly cycling workout designed to pack some mass on your shoulders and traps. The routine comprises on 3 individual workouts, one for each week. Muscle shocking techniques like drop sets, slow reps and supersets are also used. This workout is not suited for beginners.

Workout Notes:
  1. 5-10 min warm up and stretch before each workout.
  2. Strict technique on all exercises.
  3. Aim to improve at least one aspect of your workout each week.

Weekly Workout Routines:

Week 1 - Heavy Week
Military Press38
Seated Dumbbell Press310
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise 312
Dumbbell Reverse Fly312
Dumbbell Shrug38
Smith Machine Upright Row312
Workout Notes:
Week 1 we're looking to go heavy on the compound exercises for 8 strict reps. Lateral and reverse fly exercises should be done slowly with ultra strict form, weight is not important. One minute rest between sets.
Week 2 - Traps Shock Week
Upright Row/Barbell Shrug Superset (see notes)48/MAX
Arnold Press38
Cable Front Raise312
One Arm Cable Lateral Raise312
Dumbbell Reverse Fly312
Traps superset: Upright row with heavy weight for 8 reps, then straight into barbell shrug with the same weight. Very important that you hold the top position for a count of 4 and lower slowly. This gives you a rep timing of 1-4-2. The weight should be light to shrug, so do as many reps as possible.
Shoulder exercises: Strict for and slow rep timing on all exercises.
Week 3 - Shoulders Shock Week
Dumbbell Press/Barbell Front Raise superset48/12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise Drop Set4Max
Dumbbell Reverse Fly Drop Set4Max
Barbell Shrug312
Cable Upright Row310
Workout Notes:
Superset: Heavy presses for 8 reps (you should only just be able to push out the last rep) then straight into barbell front raise for 12 slow reps. Rep timing for barbell front raises is 2-2-2. This should burn!
Drop sets: Start off with a weight you can do for 8-10 reps and drop down doing maximum reps on each weight you drop to. Aim for minimum 3 drops.


Supreme Supplements