With New Year's Eve right around the corner all of us resolve to make the next year the year we finally lose the extra weight and recommit to health and fitness. But 90% of us will fail because our goals are not S.M.A.R.T. goals. The acronym S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-related and is your ticket to succeeding with your health and fitness resolutions.
![]() | Specific - "I want bigger biceps", "I want to lose weight", "I want smaller thighs" are not goals, those are wishes. They are not specific enough. On the other hand "I want to add an inch to my biceps by March 1st" or "I want to lose a pants size by March 1st" are goals that are SPECIFIC. |
![]() | Measurable - This one's a no-brainer. You can't measure "fitness" or "health" directly. How will you know that your efforts are succeeding as well as they could be? Specific goals are measurable by definition. You know your strength or fitness is improving if you increase the poundage you can lift, or decrease the time it takes for you to run two km's. You'll know your health is improving if your cholesterol levels and blood pressure improve, and your insulin sensitivity increases. Progress needs to be measurable. And your measurements will provide you with the kind of feedback you need to make adjustments as you proceed with your program. Typical bodybuilding measurable goals are: circumference of Abs, Arms and Chest. |
![]() | Achievable - Needless to state, your plans need to be based on knowledge, skills, tools and other resources that are available to you. There can't be any pieces missing or out of reach. If there are then you need to be able to compensate or find a way to work around them. |
![]() | Realistic - Your goals need to be rooted in reality. If you're six feet six inches tall and weight 110kg's, it's okay to dream about being the next Mr. Olympia, but that's a goal that is completely at odds with where you are now. |
![]() | Time-Related - Having a time frame attached to your goals is important. If you want to lose 10kg's of fat, it matters in terms of evaluating your progress, whether you want to lose it in the next 3 months, or "Whenever". In the first case, if you find you haven't lost at least a couple of kg's after the first 2 weeks, then you know it's time to decrease your calories and perhaps make some other adjustments. If your goals are open-ended, however you may end up waiting considerably longer before you make the needed changes to get on track. So lets get S.M.A.R.T Supreme Suppements |
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